Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mothers Day!

I have had the opportunity to spend allot of time with my mother lately. When I found out that I was going to be moving back home I was excited for the fact that I would be able to spend a little more appreciated time with my family and more bonding time for me and mom. Little did I know, not only would I get to spend the week with her, I got to team teach with her at church, and to top it all off we just found out, we are now visiting teaching partners. I love my mom! She thought she would get a little bit of a break from me,WRONG!
I am so grateful to have a mother like mine. There are so many times in life when I am unsure of things and my mom is right there to help me through and answer all of my questions. She is an amazing Grandma! She teaches Brynlee how to be a rough tough cowgirl, how to try new things, and most important, how to be good for her mom. Thanks mom!
I was quite emotional this Mothers Day, things wern't quite as I imagined my first Mother Day being. After church my grandma, Katelyn(Matt's friend), and my sisters family came over for dinner. The kids walked in and Brooklynn came over to me and gave me a letter with a present. I got tears in my eyes to think that my sister had thought about me on this special day. I read the letter and started crying like a baby. It was just what I needed to hear. I guess Brynlee had a talk with her Aunt Mindy and had her right some things in there as well. After reading the letter I looked in the box and saw a figurine of a mother and daughter. That was so nice of her to write such a nice letter and give me that. It made me realize the importance of being a mom. Being a mom is hard work. it is a full time job. Even though I am a single mom, I would NEVER trade this job for the world. Brynlee is not only my daughter but my best friend. I love her!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Eye Doctors

I had to go to the eye doctors last Friday because it was my last day with insurance and I needed to order more contacts. I had not been in for two years so I had to go for the whole check up. It was a last minute appointment so I didn't have time to find a babysitter for Brynlee. She was really good while I got my eyes checked.I was about done and Dr. Poulter asked if I wanted to get Brynner's eyes checked before I left. I asked him what they did to check a babies eyes. He explained to me that they would have to dialate them but all would be well. I was a little nervous but I decided to let them do it. Brynlee was a big girl and didn't even cry. Look how cute she looked in her glasses. She had to sport them. I thought for sure that she would pull them off, but she liked them.